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The Method to Liberals Madness


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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The liberal collective in this country would have you believe that the greatest threat faced by children today, is being shot, and while that may hold water on the streets of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit or a number of other urban areas run for decades by the liberal collective…it simply isn’t true.

The number one cause of death for teenagers in our country is car crashes, with more than 4000 teens getting killed while texting and driving every year.

The liberal collective wants to ban guns from law-abiding citizens to end mass shootings in our schools, where any given student, on any given day, has a 1 in 614 million chance of being shot, but…

There hasn’t been a single call for, or march against, smart phones in the hands of our nation’s youth.

In fact…

If one were to apply the same liberal logic to smart phones that the liberal collective applies to guns, the liberal collective would be demanding that smart phones be confiscated from people who do not text while driving in order to prevent teens from being killed in car crashes while texting and driving.

If you believe such actions against smart phones would show a lack of proper critical thinking, you’re absolutely correct. If you fail to recognize the utter lack of proper critical thinking involved in the liberal collective’s demands regarding guns, chances are…you are a part of that very liberal collective.

Critical thinking has 2 basic styles, the first being objective…having the ability to not be influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; to be unbiased, taking into account all facts before rendering one’s opinion, or solution. The second style is subjective, which is the exact opposite of objective in that it relies on the individual bias, or prejudice of the person, or group with whom the person identifies without regard to the facts.

Being objective in one’s style of thinking is proper critical thinking, while being subjective, is deeply flawed as a way of trying to form accurate opinions, or find the best solutions to problems.

When it comes to guns, the liberal collective exhibits 100 percent subjective thinking to the issue, and before I go deeper into that, first, allow me to explain how the liberal collective has coopted so many millennials into the realm of subjective thinking.

For years, I have called our public schools indoctrination centers, and our colleges and universities asylums of higher indoctrination. Sure, on the surface it seems snarky, glib and/or sarcastic, but there is a deep-seeded reasoning behind it.

For decades, over at least two generations, if not three, our public schools, in the control of the liberal collective, have intentionally quit teaching young students how to think, and instead, taught them what to think. In other words, what were once teachers have become indoctrinators…subjectively telling their students what to think regarding our culture and history, rather than teaching them how to examine the facts so as to arrive at an objective sense of the truth.

Having turned out one, then two, and in some cases three generations of people, many of them now adults with children of their own who are subjective in their thinking…only believing what they’ve been told is the truth regardless of facts…it should come as no surprise that students today…many of whom are being indoctrinated by those who themselves are the product of the liberal collective of subjective thinkers, are now themselves…subjective thinkers.

Today’s students, whether in public schools or colleges and universities, simply have never been challenged to think objectively, and therefore, they not only have no regard for the facts on any given subject or issue, they have no basis from which to search out the facts.

In recent weeks, the level of subjective thinking by the liberal collective has reached a fever pitch where guns are concerned. We have all seen the marches, and protests populated by the liberal collective replete with the demand to ban assault weapons. The problem is, that few, if any of the marchers, or protesters can identify, or articulate what constitutes an assault weapon.

In that video, what we see are members of the liberal collective who have been indoctrinated by subjective thinking to march, and protest against something they can’t even identify…but they could if only they knew how to apply objective thinking.

Taking into account the facts, there is no such thing as “an assault rifle,” it is simply a term made up by the liberal collective and foisted upon those they have indoctrinated.

Here is yet another similar video in which members of the liberal collective show off their ability to think subjectively with no regard to the facts.

These aren’t necessarily bad kids, they simply don’t know what they’re talking about because they have been indoctrinated by the liberal collective to accept, as facts only what the liberal collective tells them without question. It’s a prime example of subjective thinking over objective thinking.

There is, of course, a key element in the sort of subjective thinking employed in the indoctrination of kids by the liberal collective…lying…either directly, or by omission.

Taking the last first, it is lying by omission that has led to the vast majority of kids, and for that matter, adults who are members of the liberal collective not having even a clue what they’re talking about in the above videos. They’re simply told what the liberal collective wants them to believe, while any and all facts that would, through proper objective thinking, allow them to discover the facts, are omitted…making the subjects willfully ignorant.

The other form of the lie, that being the direct lie, is employed by the liberal collective to intentionally mislead others into believing something which the liar knows full well to be a lie, and in the case of the current debate regarding guns, I give you yet another video…this time from liberal collective’s face of the protests, David Hogg.

Directly after what happened at Stoneman Douglas high school, Hogg claims that he was inside the school when shots rang out…positioning himself as a lucky survivor and eye witness to the event. Then, more than a month later, in yet another interview, Hogg claims to have been at home when the shots rang out…found out about it then rode his bike three miles to the school entering with his camera and started recording.

What we have here is a direct lie, as told by David Hogg compounded by a lie of omission coming from the media who to this day would have us all believe that their liberal collective mainstream media darling was inside the school at the time of the shooting.

Here is yet another video of Hogg that adds some much needed context for the objective thinkers.

According to Hogg’s initial version of the happenings, he was in his AP Environmental Science class…roughly 150-200 feet away from the freshman wing of the school where the shooting took place…and then, more than a month later…Hogg claims to have been three miles away from the freshman wing of the school where the shooting took place.

To the objective thinker, that’s a difference, between the two versions, of about 15,640 feet.

To the liberal collective subjective thinker…so what?

This of course begs yet another question that objective thinkers would seek to answer using facts…if Hogg’s second story…that he rode his bike three miles to the school after the shooting started…how did he gain access to the inside of a building that should have been on lock down…and if his first version is true, that he was inside a classroom when the shooting started…why did he feel a need to provide such an elaborate different version more than a month later?

The liberal collective subjective thinker doesn’t care about the facts, or about the lies either directly, or by omission and accepts whatever version of the Hogg tale that is presented to them at the time, and when both versions are presented…they turn into Hillary Clinton and ask, “at this point, what difference does it make?” which is exactly what Hillary did when presented with the contrasting lies she told to an investigative committee.

The liberal collective reliance on subjective thinking is clearly evident in nearly every aspect of their political agenda. The liberal collective as a whole will forever believe that there was collusion between President Trump and the Russians because that is what the liberal collective elite has told the subjective thinking masses, and no amount of facts proving otherwise will matter, just as the liberal collective to this day believes that Al Gore won Florida, despite at least a half a dozen recounts done by liberal groups actually showing otherwise.

The liberal collective, as a whole, believes in man-made global warming…because that is what the liberal collective elite has told them, and lacking any objective thinkers, they simply believe it despite contrary scientific evidence.

Along with lies, the liberal collective also relies on hypocrisy to further their agenda. The liberal collective wants to ban guns, because they’ve been indoctrinated to believe that guns…inanimate objects…kill people, while at the same time, the liberal collective has no problem with abortions…a procedure that actually kills soon to be born children.

The collision between facts, and subjective liberal collective thinking has more than just an effect on politics…it also have an economic effect. Take the strange case of Toys ‘R’ Us as a prime example…the giant toy store chain has for years donated money to Planned Parenthood…an abortion mill entity that literally kills Toys ‘R’ Us’s future customers…and now…the toy chain is closing its doors…a victim of its own subjective thinking.

While there are far too many examples of this sort of thing to get into in this article, let me get back to the issues of guns and the 2nd Amendment before I briefly explain the root issue of all of this where the liberal collective is concerned, and where they’re taking it.

Last week, retired Supreme Court Justice, John Paul Stevens wrote that the 2nd Amendment should be done away with. He wrote, “Concern that a national standing army might pose a threat to the security of the separate states led to the adoption of that amendment, which provides that “a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Today that concern is a relic of the 18th century.”

Stevens, a member of the liberal collective elite didn’t like the 2nd Amendment when he served on the nation’s highest court, and he doesn’t like it today, but in his explanation, he lies to indoctrinate the liberal collective whole. Stevens says that the 2nd Amendment is a “relic of the 18th century,” which it most certainly is not, if one applies objective thinking…the exact sort of thinking applied by the Founders and Framers who wrote the 2nd Amendment.

They knew, just as do today’s objective thinkers, that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is the only thing that truly stands between a continuing Constitutional Republic, and tyranny against the people, and objective facts, from around the world, exist as prime examples of what happens where a nation’s people are disarmed.

In order to achieve the liberal collective dream of disarming the American people, the 2nd Amendment must be considered an outdated relic of a bygone era that has no application in today’s world, and the liberal collective is more than willing to omit what has happened in places like Cuba, Nazi Germany, China and a number of other totalitarian regimes so that the subjective thinkers of the liberal collective only know what their elite want them to know.

So…are eliminating guns, and our rights as Americans to keep and bear arms the bottom line for the liberal collective elite, and the liberal collective as a whole? No, and far from it.

What the liberal collective elite really want, along with our ability to defend ourselves, is a complete end to objective thinking.

Consider this…objectively…why else would we be seeing such obtuse actions against Conservatives taking place. Why else would college campuses, our asylums of higher indoctrination, be rioting when Conservatives show up for anything from delivering a speech, such as the riots in Berkley when Milo came to town, to hysterics on the campus of the University of Nebraska when a student was handing out information regarding a Conservative group, Turning Point USA?

Because Conservatives are, for the most part, objective thinkers who assess the facts before forming an opinion.

This is also why we are now seeing accelerated efforts by the liberal collective elite to rid social media platforms of Conservatives…neither the liberal collective elite, nor the whole of the liberal collective can abide having objective thinkers using any wide-reaching, world-wide platform to share…objectively obtained…facts.

The ultimate goal of the liberal collective elite is to implement a system where the government does all of the thinking for the people, and where the people rely on the government to do all their thinking for them, and they are closer to that goal right now than they have ever been.

The liberal elite control our public schools and our colleges and universities, converting them from centers of education where students used to be taught how to think into indoctrination centers where students are being taught what to think…they control our mainstream media which used to deliver the news, and now deliver whatever liberal collective propaganda the elite deem necessary to form the liberal collective public opinion…and they also control nearly every social media outlet using their totalitarian liberal collective hold to eliminate what was once the free market of objective ideas and opinions, and turn it into a subjective thinker’s paradise, where they will no longer be challenged by facts, or truth.

Here then, is the final proof that when I’m relating is true…

Last week, Lacey Township School District in central New Jersey suspended two high school students after Snapchat pictures showed them at a gun range outside of school hours. Snapchat is, after all, a social media platform controlled by the liberal collective elite. The two students in question were both on their own time, not on school time…neither had issued anything resembling any sort of threat against their school, or against anyone in their school, and both are straight “A” students who were doing nothing more than exercising their 2nd Amendment rights.

Their school district, controlled by the liberal collective elite, has a policy against any student, at any time whether related to school, or unrelated to school…whether on school grounds or not on school grounds…displaying anything whatsoever to do with any sort of guns that results in said student, or students being suspended for up to a year.

The liberal collective elite administrators of the Lacey Township school district adhere to both Safe Schools Initiative and the Zero Tolerance for Guns Act…liberal collective elite measures that enforce a zero-tolerance policy against any students who have weapons in their possession, on or off school grounds…and the fact that these two students, while minding their own business, on their own time, and off school grounds…in a completely non-threatening manner posted a simple photo of themselves exercising their Constitutional rights was something of which the liberal collective elites just couldn’t have any objective thinking person see, if they were to maintain a strictly subjective line of thinking.

That’s the way I see it…objectively speaking, of course.

Copyright © 2018 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

For more political commentary please visit my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS partner Diane Sori’s blog, The Patriot Factor, to read her latest article A Former Justice, an Op-ed, and Anti-Second Amendment Propaganda


Today, Tuesday, April 3rd from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori discuss A Former Justice, an Op-ed, and Anti-Second Amendment Rhetoric; liberal subjective thinking; and important news of the day.

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